Advice - Ambex or Diedrich


New member
Aug 27, 2004
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I am thinking of buying a small roaster - the Ambex YM2 ( I think), or the Diedrich IR3. If I remember correctly, the Ambex is quite a bit cheaper than the Diedrich. Actually, a guy I know wants to sell me a used Diedrich, but I believe his used price is still more than a new Ambex. Any thoughts? Also, anyone who has attended the Ambex training...did you find it worthwhile? Thanks.
The Ambex training is awsome...There roaster is great...I had one of their 2 kilo roasters and was able to roast down to 3 ounces evenly! Had to sell it though cuz I didin't have time to play with it. I also have their 60 kilo...have used them in the past as well as Probat and Diedrich....go with the Ambex....another nice thing about the Ambex is you can bring it with you..say you are going to do a live remote for a local TV just throw it in the car and go. I was able to put it in the back of my wifes Mazda Protage 5. Oh well if you have any other questions shoot me a pm.
I have a YM-2 and a YM-15. As far as I'm concerned, you can go wrong with Ambex. Although I haven't taken their roasting class, I've heard from others that it is great. What impresses me about the company is that the chiefs there have tons of'd be dealing with some really smart guys.

Face it...most coffee roasters are built in Turkey to begin with. Once they arrive here, the gas burners, controls, etc., are added. So the quality of the components going in are of particular importance. Next is, of course, the knowledge and support of the company selling the roaster. So far I have not been able to stump these guys...they know the coffee business!

I always have a standing invitation to anyone who is willing to make the trek to north Georgia to come and try out my roasters. You're more than welcome to come give them a try!

Thanks for the information. I am just in the planning stages of my future right now. I have an upcoming opportunity to purchase a small, well-established wholesale roasting business in my community. Since it is nearly impossible to get any ongoing training unless you work for a roaster, I am considering purchasing a small unit to experiement on in the mean time.

The best

Diedrich. IR-3 for that scale of roasting. Support is killer, parts are easy to get of have sent. The roast is real nice. Why else would COSTCO use them? After all they could buy ANYTHING.
Shep said:

Thanks for the information. I am just in the planning stages of my future right now. I have an upcoming opportunity to purchase a small, well-established wholesale roasting business in my community. Since it is nearly impossible to get any ongoing training unless you work for a roaster, I am considering purchasing a small unit to experiement on in the mean time.


Couldn't the wholesale roasting business you are planning to buy train you? Make that as part of the purchase, call it a three or six month consulting period, during this time, he is require to give you up to x hours per week.
Actually, yes that is part of the deal...if the deal happens. This has been an ongoing discussion for about a year and a half now and I am beginning to wonder if the sale will ever really take place. So part of the reason for my personal experimentation is back-up.

I have worked for the same employer for the past twenty years. Outsourcing has been threatening to claim my job for the last five. It has not happened yet, but I have watched my facility go from 3,200 employees down to 930. The next wave of cuts will get me. That is part of the driving force behind my desire to prepare for a new career. The coffee business is only one avenue I am considering. I have also gone back to school full-time, this time for a business degree. I only have two real interests or hobbies in life: I have been a motorcycle enthusiast since I was 7 (I am 45 now), and a specialty coffee lover since my early twenties. I have been home roasting for a while and it is something I really enjoy. I figure if I have to change careers at this point in my life, I am either going for the money or going for something I am interested in and have some passion for.

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