any recipes for regular drip coffee machine?


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May 8, 2006
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One of my best friend's 21 birthday is coming. And we are going to have a party at her apartment. Instead of alcohol drinks i want to make her some special coffee drinks. But i only have one regular drip coffee machine.
Do any of you have some recipes that I could use to impress the B-day party people?
Thanks in advance. :roll:
One of my best friend's 21 birthday is coming. And we are going to have a party at her apartment. Instead of alcohol drinks i want to make her some special coffee drinks. But i only have one regular drip coffee machine.
Do any of you have some recipes that I could use to impress the B-day party people?
Thanks in advance. :roll:

What special coffee drinks can you serve from a drip coffee brewer? Americana Dunkin Donuts style or Americana McDonalds?

Rent a fully automatic espresso maker. Any one who has a finger can self serve espresso or cappuccino and enjoy the best espresso as well as feel proud of having made the delicious drink on their own - courtesy of you!

You will be the talk of the party.

I hope this reply is not coming too late for the party date.
Good luck
The ideas are endless, Think as the coffee as the starting place.

Crafts are always fun, so you could get blank mugs and have everyone decorate them.

You could havee a buffet with things to add to the coffee, such as chocolates, nuts, there are different flavors of whipped cream out there. different syrups or wild things like coffee and gummy bears or pickles.

also you can get some cold coffee and make funky iced coffees, or coffee smoothies, or coffee shots where you use the coffee as the base of a shot instead of liquor

lots of avenues you could take

I've watched too much food network and tlc lol
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Thank you MrBox and Parts Guru
you guys inspired me and look what I got.

2/3 cup of coffee (from regular drip coffee machine)
add half & half and sugar (no need to be too sweet)
wait till the coffee gets cold
add 2 scoop of butter almond icecream- $2.99 shopRite brand
add some whipped cream (sweeten) on the top of the icecream- $2.99 ShopRite brand

my favorite icecream flavored with coffee, and the melted icecream also makes the coffee creamy and richier.
It was very hot last night, this coffee drink total cool me down.
Best COffee Recipe

I find most of recipes at
They have a very rigid input system that allows for clear recipes. Let me know this help you.