Anyone in or near the Oklahoma City area?

Tulsa area


I will be flying into Tulsa in the next week and will be taking 125, one pound vacum packed bags with me to sell. The coffee is from Guatemala, Esquipulas. I already have a buyer for all the coffee at $10 per pound. I will be importing soon and marketing the coffee ( roasted, ground or whole bean) at $7.00 per pound. The only reason coffee sells for $10 per pound is because there are very few plantations that sell direct to the public. I could tell you the plantation names where the best Guatemalan coffee comes from. I know for a fact that the coffee has to sell between 8 - 14 per pound to give a profit to all the middle men between plantation and end user. Good luck in all your wise and patient for the bargains, and don''t always bielieve that if its cheap its trash.

Jon Hutton