BigTray is a great compnay to work.
I did my entire set up package with them and were able to save me about 5K (on a 35K package) over my local vendor on the equipment alone. The previous responder claim of 20 crates showing up just isn''t true.
They have a guy over there who was in constant contact w/ me to keep us abreast of extactly what was being delivered when. And they staggered teh delivery fpr us so it came in small very managible batches.
And if your worried about getting it inside and moving the equipment, how do you expect to clean behind it? Just do what I did and get wheels for everything.
I do agree with calling them for a package price though, but dont let a littel sweat scare you from ordering, I love those guys!!
Also on a side note, if you ever break anything or need to order more plates and stuff they kepp all your orders on file and can access it in seconds to get you extra plates, knives, glasses and other stuff!!