Are There Any Coffee Shops in NYC That Sell Hand Grinders?


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Feb 23, 2007
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I have a cast iron mill by Universal. The cast iron is fastened to the wood base with two screws. One no longer grips. I'll probably try to fix it by inserting a toothpick in the stripped hole. But I'm shopping for a better home mill.

I've found many on the Web I'd happily own, but I don't want to wait for delivery. I'd like to go out in the next couple days to buy one, but don't know where in New York City to go. Anyone know? I expect that Bed, Bath & Beyond, for instance, would carry only electric grinders. What about coffee shops that sell hardware? I can't find a definitive answer by searching on Google, Froogle, or Yahoo! Yellow Pages, for instance.

I'm looking for a manual mill with a conical burr. (The Universal appears to have a wheel burr.) I like the knee mills by Zassenhaus, but they're evidently unavailable except second-hand.

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