There is a coffer shop on my way to work that makes the yummiest espressos i have ever had. The last two days a new girl was working the late afternoon when i stopped on my way home. The espressos she made me were gawd awful! I have no p robalem with a little sediment at the bottom of the cup, but hers even floated at the top in the weak crema. The crema lasted maybe 30-50 seconds tops, then it was just a black cup of liquid. It tatsed a litle burnt, and thin like too much water or something. Also it gave me the feeling that it was made with grounds that had been wet before the pull.
Thos two cups were undrinkable. Lord knows I tried to choke em down, but they were not the glowing yummy taste I am used to from this shop. I stopped by this morning and we discussed what could have been wrong and they blame it on the humidity and grinder problems, but I got the vibe from both of the girls that it was the fault of the new girl that made my espresso. They made me a cup and it was apparent the grinder and everything else was fine because it was another great espresso from the people who usually make them.
So basiclly I am curious, what could have made those two cups so awful? I ask simply for the trouble shooting knowledge should I ever defile my beans at home the way she did at the shop. Plus I enjoy "coffee talk" and if there is any knowledge I could impart to a new barista I would certainly offer it up.
Thos two cups were undrinkable. Lord knows I tried to choke em down, but they were not the glowing yummy taste I am used to from this shop. I stopped by this morning and we discussed what could have been wrong and they blame it on the humidity and grinder problems, but I got the vibe from both of the girls that it was the fault of the new girl that made my espresso. They made me a cup and it was apparent the grinder and everything else was fine because it was another great espresso from the people who usually make them.
So basiclly I am curious, what could have made those two cups so awful? I ask simply for the trouble shooting knowledge should I ever defile my beans at home the way she did at the shop. Plus I enjoy "coffee talk" and if there is any knowledge I could impart to a new barista I would certainly offer it up.