Bean grinders


New member
Jun 13, 2007
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I am researching bean grinders with a view to selecting either a conicle or blade style of grinder to use in a vending/beverage machine application. I am hearing and reading conflicting information about which is best, i.e. particle size consistancy, heat (burnig the grind), life expectancy etc, etc. What is the general consensus on this??


First off, what kind of beans will you be grinding and to what degree of fineness do you need them ground? Also, what volume of grinding are you anticipating?
"General consensus" means little in this case. You are looking for a specific custom application.
"Best" for you also depends on your needs/expectations for the performance, reliability, affordability and life expectancy of the grinding mechanism in your application.
I suggest you contact the manufacturers you will likely use as component vendors. If you have not yet identified suppliers, try the folks at Mahlkonig - they manufacture excellent grinders and grinding components.
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