Best espresso I've had in USA


New member
May 29, 2003
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Let me preface my comments with the fact that I grew-up in a family where my Italian father "Armando Vincenzo" appreciated fine northern & southern Italian food and good coffee. Because of this I have been fortunate to be experiencing good espresso for many years. This experience was the foundation for making me into a true espresso connoisseur over the years.

I made my first shots of the Caffè Mauro De Luxe that I received from this morning via UPS. I would like it to go down on record that those shots of espresso rate in the top 3 espresso drinking experiences of my life! The other two probably had more to do with location (outside cafe's in San Francisco & Europe) than the espresso itself! :D

The espresso out of my La Pavoni Professional this morning was a true Italian Espresso. I've heard the stories about the Italian espresso bean manufacturers keeping the best beans for themselves. But when I opened the first bag this morning, my concerns vanished as it was obvious these were beautiful beans and it did not appear to me that Caffè Mauro had lowered the quality of their export beans in any shape of form. The espresso was actually 'choclatey', not too mild like an Illy, just the right balance of sweetness & acidity. This was dreamy stuff!

Thanks and I'll be ordering the Caffè Mauro De Luxe for now on since we go through a pound of beans a week in my household.

Tante grazie,
Gregg, New Jersey
mauro or guglielmo

I would agree with you that Mauro is an excellent coffee but one that is marginally better from the same region in Italy (Calabria) is Guglielmo. Give it a shot it is sold at
guglielmo espresso

I would agree with espressomanitaly that Guglielmo is a great coffee, I had while visiting Calabria this summer and that company owns a turistic resort!! The coffee is great, even though the website that sells it could use some work. Take care...ciao
Hey this stuff is great, guys!
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