Best NYC Coffee shops!


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Mar 3, 2010
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Hello everybody, I recently started a blog about coffee shops across New York City. It's relatively new (only two posts so far), but I'm very interested in getting it off the ground (no pun)! I would love to hear some of your favorite coffee shops in New York City, because I'm always looking for a new place to check out! So far I've reviewed one shop in the West Village, and one in the Upper East Side. I am interested in not only reviewing the coffee they serve, but the atmosphere, and perks of the shop itself. Let me know what you think, and please post some of your favorite shops!

My blog can be found at
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I could only wish! Certainly if I visit other towns/cities, I would check out, and review their local coffee shops, but being a broke full time college student, with a part-time job makes it hard to travel! New York City has so many different coffee shops, with so many people interested in the coffee culture, that I feel I can dedicate the blog primarily to New York City. I'll have hopefully two new entries up by tomorrow night!
Hi I am Italian,

I am planning to open my own coffe bar in NYC soon, I do hope so..

Anyway when I go to NYc to check it out some competitors, check Zibetto, Macchiato Espresso Bar
those are my way to think ESPRESSO


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Caffe Arnaldi said:
Hi I am Italian,

I am planning to open my own coffe bar in NYC soon, I do hope so..

Anyway when I go to NYc to check it out some competitors, check Zibetto, Macchiato Espresso Bar
those are my way to think ESPRESSO



Hey Riccardo,

I'd be sure to review your shop once you get it going! Thanks for the suggestions also. I just put up a review of the famous Ninth Street Espresso, and will hopefully have a review of the even more famous Joe Coffee up this weekend!
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cafemakers said:
You've probably already seen this NY Times blog article... pretty comprehensive list.

Yeah, that piece was great!

I put up two more blogs this weekend, Ost Cafe and Third Rail Coffee! I have Bluebird Coffee Shop and Gimme! Coffee coming up this week! Check it out, let me know what you think!
Great blog! I would suggest you cover other coffee shops too, not only those in NY. I think there are fewer than 100 coffee shops in NY. So if you intend to make you coffee blog well visited, try to expand you target area.