It's like any other machine. It is mostly personal preference. If you have a few thousand to blow, get a Jura. Otherwise you may want to settle for something a little cheaper.

Are they truly better machines than Saeco?

I bought a new Saeco Incanto Sirius last week for $1500. Being all stainless it appeared to be better made than the Jura F9 & S9 I was looking at.

However, I don't like the way the Saeco leaks water in the drip tray when you brew or rinse. I returned it and the new unit did the exact same thing?

I read on the internet where a Canadian dealer stop selling this model because of 50% return rate for this problem. I don't have the energy to keep exchanging until I get a good one?
Let me see if I understand the complaint...

the Saeco drips water in the drip tray...

How much water?
Water in Tray

If it goes thru rinse cycle or brews a shot it leaves enough water to almost cover the bottom of totally dry tray.
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