Blend recommendation


New member
Sep 19, 2008
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Hi all newbie here and first time user. I recently started roasting at home and have some Sumatran, PNG, Kenyan and Colombian beans. Would anyone care to recommend a roast schedule and blend ratio on these four beans ?
I like this guy, check out his recent posts. Hope he sticks around for some forum fun...

Welcome to ArabBeaker!!!

As for your question on roasting, Davec recently posted his roasting log in this forum.
I noticed three of your beans are in there.

Check it out, but come back here to let us know how it works out for you. ... g/view/29/

Have fun! :D
Thanks CB. Great site. I'll be adjusting my little roast times now and report back after a few days.
Reading up a little on PNG it seems like I should try roasting it as a single origin as it seems to be a fairly well balanced individual bean, and I would like to get a good idea of its flavour profile.
I had a small quantity but have now used it all up, blended it with another bean.

I can get some more any time but how should it be roasted ?
med, med/dark or what. Does anyone know ?

Thanks, Arab.
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