Blueberry in my Ethiopian ?


New member
Feb 9, 2007
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Ok, so for years i heard about this wonderful blueberry taste in the Ethiopian Harrar but never tasted it. Till about a month and a half ago i was starting to think i must not have a very good taster or something as i was just not getting it. Then on a trip to Idaho awhile back i thought id give it another try and there it was. It was AMAZING ! It was right there, right out front, i didnt even have to stretch my imagination.

So i got some of the new Harrar crop, roasted up two different batches now and so far im having trouble getting it right. Any suggestions on what i should do to find that awesome blueberry taste ? :(

Peace, Love and Coffee
I like roasting Ethiopians and they all have similar characteristics, also very similar to roast as yemmen Mocca.

To get the fruit notes, definitely don't get the coffee too hot, use a little heat as you need to (too hot and it gets that ashy old oil taste and the fruit notes die). Try the roast just on the verge of second, or a little into second (just a little (20 secs max) and see if you then get the fruit notes.

So overall temperature as well as roast duration are the 2 critical factors you need to control. You didn't bother to say what roster you have, so any further advice is impossible to give.
or any details about your roast amounts, times, profiles temperatures, time to 1st time to 2nd crack etc...thinking about it, you told us nothing except you can't get that blueberry taste, why?

I know....we're telepathic :lol:
Whups ! yeah, my bad, all i was thinking was blueberry when i posted.
Im roasting on an Deidrich IR-3 and i dont have my log in front of me so i cant really tell ya times at the moment. I have done two batches thus far, the first just into the second crack and the second just before the second crack. The first one was good, just no blueberry. The second one came out a little greeny tasting.

Blueberry notes while usual are also lot dependent. It also depends on where you are sourcing your green, if that source has provided cupping notes prior to purchase, and if you trust said source.

As for roasting I usually go mid first crack, second crack begins to accentuate the deeper spice notes and chocolate tones. There is a delicate balance between both, but personally I would stop before hitting second crack.
Blucifer said:
Whups ! yeah, my bad, all i was thinking was blueberry when i posted.
Im roasting on an Deidrich IR-3 and i dont have my log in front of me so i cant really tell ya times at the moment. I have done two batches thus far, the first just into the second crack and the second just before the second crack. The first one was good, just no blueberry. The second one came out a little greeny tasting.

Did you complete the drying stage before applying more energy?

Aside from replies you got here and at roasters guild, read up on "Ethiopia Biloya roast profile suggestions needed" in roasters guild board. I like TimD's suggestion the best. In another word start out with low heat and finish with lots of energy. dump beans at 25F after beginning of first crack, and time should be between 75 to 90 seconds after first crack is finished.
This seems to be the thread I'm looking for.

I'm looking for a not-too-sour coffee that has a strong blueberry flavor. I had an Ethiopian Harrar earlier this year that was pretty good, so I'm looking for more of the same. A lot of Ethiopian coffees are just too sour for my taste (or is my coffee shop roasting too lightly?). What can you suggest? What roast degree or profile works best to achieve this flavor?

I guess I should add that I'll be brewing it most likely in a French press, but I can use the AeroPress if that will bring out the desired flavor.
The blueberry notes are found in Harrar, natural processed Sidamo or natural processed Yirgacheffe. Be careful with natural procssed beans, not all have the blueberry flavors and many are full of defects. Get as many green samples as you can cup them all.
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