Buying green beans


New member
May 30, 2006
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I have been buying somegreen beans lately on Ebay.

I'm aware of the claims sellers make, their's is best,etc etc.

All the buys I've made were supposedly arabica.

The main difference I see is one seller's arabica beans were quite small.

The other seller's beans were much larger.

I bought columbian supremo and suliwesi from This seller.

Any tips on how I can visually rate these beans.

My sense of taste is somewhat compromised due to an upper respiratory virus in May 2000. I do have some taste.


ap :)
Bean size will vary by region AND within a region. Google a region to see whether the beans are typically large or small. Kona, typically large. Africans, typically smaller.

Within regions, size is usually an indicator of quality. For example, in Kona we grade from Extra Fancy to Prime. The size ranges from 19/64's of an inch on down. Prime, at the smallest size, will be the cheapest bean. And also include the most defective beans. Sometimes, you get what you pay for.

So, if you have two beans from the same region, size differences will be an indicator of quality. Generally speaking, of course. The cup is the final judge.

I assume you already know how to visually tell other measures of quality. Broken, black, white, moldy, sour, waxy or discolored beans are all bad.

If you are not absolutely confident about your bean suppliers, I suggest you try Sweet Marias or the Green Coffee Co-op. It's worth the little bit extra in cost. I am always suspicious of eBay. I'm sure there are honest sellers out there, but I see too many "Kona Coffees" for $12 a pound (well below my actual cost to grow it) to put any faith in the system.
I noticed that the small beans are green and tan.

Is that normal?

Green is good. Describe the tan. Does it scrape off, indicating it is just chaff? Chaff is normal and burns off in the roasting process. Some beans have more chaff (aka "silverskin") than others, depending on how carefully it was drymilled at the parchment stage.

Or is the tan actually the bean color? That wouldn't be so good. But most likely it is silverskin.

Forgive me if this answer is too basic. I'm not sure how many beans you have handled, so I don't know how much info to give you.
The beans are a mixof light green and the light color at the top of this web page.

It dosen't scrape off.

I am a spanish representative of a mexican company called “ CAFES SAVONAâ€
I've had good experiences with Sweet Marias. I'm also amazed at how many small independant coffee growers have websites that you can order from.
Green Beans

We are currently harvesting this year's coffee crop on the island of Puerto Rico. Our small, private farm produces pure Arabica, sun-dried, "cafe del pais" and we will have a limited amount of green beans for sale soon. If you would like more info, please write
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