Caffeine & Headaches

Avon Beauty

New member
May 10, 2007
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I don't know about you Folks but, for me, the Caffeine, really helps my Headaches. For some, it's the opposite. I was just wondering, what is everyone's opinion, on this??

I''ve also heard that it will make you smarter. It also help your memory too. So, for these points, it''s very good for older people if they have one or two cups of coffee a day.

Avon Beauty said:
I don't know about you Folks but, for me, the Caffeine, really helps my Headaches. For some, it's the opposite. I was just wondering, what is everyone's opinion, on this??

it really helps my headaches...until i dont drink coffee and then i get an even worse one...
I'm not sure about headaches...but

Careful Davec, you might scare the newbies. You have to lure them in with serious facts.
Then, once you gain their trust, you can hit them with the powerful imagery of cartoons and puppet shows. :D
As for my own experience, I get a headache in the morning if I have not yet taken my coffee.

I don't really understand why, and it doesn't really concern me, but when I get I headache it's a reminder for me to get a cup for my dose of caffeine.

Avon Beauty said:
I don't know about you Folks but, for me, the Caffeine, really helps my Headaches. For some, it's the opposite. I was just wondering, what is everyone's opinion, on this??
The morning headache may be a slight caffeine addiction - but who cares, right? I don't seem to get headaches much from coffee but I do get migraines from time to time. I've been told that caffeine contributes to migraines but my OTC meds that work well have a pretty good dose of it in there. Since they don't know for sure what causes migraines, I guess it's inconclusive - you'd think the caffeine would open the blood vessels and alleviate the headache. The brain is a scary machine!
malkaNjeff said:
I have found that if I skip my morning coffee, I will develop a headache.

Some people would call that a withdrawal symptom. They would say that your body is addicted to the caffeine and by missing your morning coffee, your body suffers withdrawal in the form of a headache. I wouldn't exactly say this. I think caffeine is helpful in reducing my headaches. But I could also go for a week without coffee or caffeine and be fine.

Vega Sinclair
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I also used to get a heavy headache every morning I didn't drink caffeine. I think it has something to do with addiction...I have never been a heavy caffeine drinker (three coffees a day is not much, isn't it? :| )
But when I found I depended on it (no caffeine meant headaches, so I couldn't lead a normal life without it)I decided to switch to decaffeinated. It cost me a little, I started when I was on a long vacation and in a week I managed to make the headaches disappear. Now I drink caffeinated coffee from time to time, but never in the morning.
Here's my story of something that happened pretty recently. Due to a hard fall and ripping my tricep tendon off my right elbow I wasn't able to go out in our mobile espresso van and vend to our daily commuters. Also had to miss two very profitable events. Had to stay out of the van for 1 week. All the while I wasn't getting nearly enough caffeine. Day of my surgery I had a terrible migraine-like headache. One guy on the anesthesia team asked me about my levels of pain and I told him I was suffering from caffeine withdrawal. He simply said no problem, went and retrieved 500mg of pharmaceutical grade caffeine and injected my IV line with it. Bout 10 mins. later the headache was completely gone. Surgery went well, in recovery and rehab phase now and am gladly back in the van daily. Later!