Can anyone recommend a Local Roaster near Detroit Michigan?


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Oct 10, 2005
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Great Forum! Thanks for all the useful eyeopening information.

I am currently putting my business plan together for a coffee shop in Michigan. In June 2006, my wife and I will be attending the CoffeeFest in Las Vegas to look for suppliers and sample the goods so to speak.

For now, I am looking for any information about roasters located near the Detroit Area (Oakland and Macomb Counties).

I am just trying to get an idea about the local roasters' reputation and abilities.

Maybe someone would like to recommend their roaster?

Also, any roaster outside of Detroit would be great if that roaster could provide a quality roast with fast and fresh delivery.

You should try Paramount Coffee Co. out of Lansing Michigan. I have been with them for 5 years and they are great. They deliver to me in Ohio. I am so satisfied. If you want more info let me know. Also I love Chicago coffee. Good LucK! I won't switch. Ask for Gail Powers.

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