Caracolillo Coffee Mill?


New member
Sep 4, 2009
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First, I have zero affiliation with any commercial coffee company...

As a n00b to roasting I have little basis for discussing quality, etc. However, I love coffee and am eager to learn much, much, more. Recently, I bought green beans from CCM (Tampa, and I am in the SE) and their prices are very reasonable. Also, I bought green beans from Sweet Marias' but have not received them yet. I know that taste is the final arbiter of quality but lets face it, my taste abilities are not very refined at this point. Does anyone know of CCM and whether or not the low prices are due to relatively poor quality or just a really good deal...? My first roast seemed pretty good - but that is from someone who is used to drinking Folgers... (shields engaged)...

Your comments, criticisms, and experiences are appreciated.

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No problem, I guess no one knows who they are... Maybe I should just pay more and order from Sweet Marias. Thanks anyway.
