I've been working on a sales model for this past year and that very issue has come up time and time again. How can a quality coffee retailer educate without insulting the clientel?
The best I can do is simply offer two menu sections......
Traditional Roma Espresso vs American Espresso Beverages
(wording may change.....)
Point being, let the client ask for an explanation. When in Tokyo way back during my Viet Nam days, I first saw "plastic" models of food! I loved the concept and have have carried that and photos of the final serve with me ever since. I was amazed, through survey, just how many espresso shop clients suffer embarrassment when ordering. They don't really know what everything is, and are intimidated. That obstacle alone opens up doors of opportunity. Make the ordering process simple, easy and if possible "graphical." What they see is usually what they'll buy.
My ultimate goal is in making the sale. Although the purist at heart when it comes to espresso, my attitude is........... "If they want swill, then dammit, give 'em swill and make sure to get their money!!!"