clean shop


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Mar 22, 2010
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this may be a silly question to ask, but do those of you who have shops, use a cleaning service or crew or expect the baristas to clean? I'm re-thinking having the employees clean. I suppose I should just come in and inspect before we close, or plan on the added expense of someone who knows how to sweep and mop?
I've come in after close many evenings and swept and mopped myself. am I asking too much?
Your baristas should do the cleaning. You do not just pay them to make drinks! Make a cleaning list and have them sign off on it. If they are not cleaning to your expectations first give a warning, next a write up and lastly terminate. Not trying to sound like a hard ass but this is your business. You pay them to do a job and you can not slack off or people will take advantage of you. Do not let your employees get the attitude that you are there for them...its the exact opposite! Good luck!
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good advice. thanks. we used to do check lists, and I will bring them back. also evaluations. roach and ant season is coming, and we have a bit of a head start. our afternoons allow plenty of time for a better job of cleaning.
I remember many years ago, when I first started working in a coffee shop, the manager pointed to a sign that was hanging on the back wall that said "If you're leaning, you should be cleaning."

She told me that she didn't want to see anyone just standing around leaning on the counter, or against the wall, or wherever (or sitting down too) during the slow times in between customers, because that was the time to clean. It made sense to clean as you went along. That way you could keep up with the closing chores as the day went on and be able to get out on time at the end of the day. It's only fair to clean up the place and re-stock before you leave, so the person opening the next morning is all set to go.

Luckily, someone else came in early in the morning to clean the restrooms. It's kinda yucky to expect someone who is handling food and drinks to clean the restrooms too. I wouldn't want someone, who had just scrubbed a toilet, serving me my refreshments!

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I like the sign. can I borrow the phrase? I am going redo the job lists and at the next employee meeting, point out a few things that need more attention. I think, with a few exceptions, the employees do a good/fair job during work hours. my biggest gripe is the degree of clean.....crumbs under tables etc. moving things around to clean and getting under the low kitchen appliances and such. these are jobs that you just can't do well when open for business. I bought a floor steamer and the floor looks better than it did when we mopped. So I think at least once a week, I will either do a thorough cleaning myself, or hire someone and show them exactly how I want it cleaned.
Hi Debbiej,

That phrase has been around for a long, long time. You'll hear variations of it, but the message is always the same.

I know what you mean by people not moving things and not cleaning under machines and such. It's like they have no clue that everything needs attention.

I've learned that it's best to have a hands-on cleaning training and show them how you want things cleaned. That way they'll get a visual of what you expect them to do. That's the "set expectations" part. Then, if you give them the check list of chores (be sure it's thorough and complete) they'll have no excuse for "forgetting" something.

One other way to make sure people get the hang of it is to create a checklist for the person opening in the morning to "rate" what was done the night before. That way, the person who closes in the evening is accountable for what is done or not done....and the co-worker in the morning won't be snitching.

From experience, I know that I hate it when I open in the morning and things are a mess, because I have to do the chores of the person who closed in addition to my chores.... and I get very annoyed. It's not always easy to bring these "petty" problems to the boss' attention without being a "snitch". Having a checklist at the beginning of the shift helps solve the problem. It's only needed for a few weeks in order for everyone to get on the same rhythm. And if someone doesn't cooperate...they get the boot!

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great ideas! peer pressure works pretty well too, if you have a core of good employees. I heard one of my cooks say "why do you do such a half @ssed job" to another employee. It seemed to make a difference! of course, that is really my responsibility, but she's worked for me for a long time and loves the shop.
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tonight I had to take the closing barista and the baker's shift. I am exhausted. I'm glad I had to do these shifts, It is good to do the work myself. to show them it can be done and to remind myself how much I expect!!
One of the best reasons why it's good to clean as the day goes by, is that you get some of the chores out of the way, and you're not stuck rushing and trying to get everything done at the end of the night when you're tired and grumpy and you want to go home.

Now that you have recent first-hand experience, from doing it yourself last night, you have a great window of opportunity to emphasise that to your employees as you show them how you want things done. They'll see that you realize that it's a lot of work, but they'll understand that it all needs to be done and done right.

The other night I got "fooled" when I started early, and got the floors swept, and all of the tables wiped down, and then a huge family with lots of kids came in (and spread out) and messed up four tables at the little brats dropped cookies, etc. all over the floor. I wasn't happy about having to clean it all again, but those things happen. I'd feel better about it if they left me a decent tip, but that rarely happens!
