Coffee and stomach Acidity


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Jan 1, 2006
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Hi ,

I used be an avid drinker of Coffee about 15 years ago. I have stopped since I started having problems with stomach acidity. Even one gulp of coffee causes problems for me. I can take Vineager, tea etc without any problems.

I love Coffee and I long to have a cup of coffee everytime I catch a whiff of the coffee smell when my wife prepares one for herself. The solution from Doctors is to avoid Cofee which I have done for the last 15 years. Has anyone had any such problems and have overcome this?


stomach alsur...thats what happend to my friend for drinking too much coffee..then again she was stressed out too.

Jcambece could be right you may have a stomach ulcer. Get a few more opinions from some other doctors. If it is the case the remedy could be as simple as antibiotics.
Please plug your Gano products in the B2B. Thanks
Guano coffee? I had thought that the civet thing was a stretch -- but to mix coffee with bat droppings? What will these clever marketers think of next.
alisay said:

Hi ,

I used be an avid drinker of Coffee about 15 years ago. I have stopped since I started having problems with stomach acidity. Even one gulp of coffee causes problems for me. I can take Vineager, tea etc without any problems.

I love Coffee and I long to have a cup of coffee everytime I catch a whiff of the coffee smell when my wife prepares one for herself. The solution from Doctors is to avoid Cofee which I have done for the last 15 years. Has anyone had any such problems and have overcome this?



I solve the problem of acidity by taking a tums with my coffee.
maybe that could work for you ?
There are many components in coffee that can lead to an upset stomach. There are 3 things that you can look for to lower the risk.

1) start out with a lower acid bean. I'm not talking about the "acidity" clasification associated when cupping and grading a roast. I'm talking about pure chemistry and the <Ph> level. Some of the more balanced ph coffees are (Sumatra, brazil & India)

2) Chaff is the most Ph acidic part of the bean. Go with a wet processed bean that removes the chaff from the outside of the bean.

3) Also go for a dark roast where most of the chaff is removed during the rosting process.

Following these guidelines will not make your problem go away. It will just reduce it. If your stomach still bothers you after starting with the above suggestions, then eliminate the rest of the acid ph by nutralizing it with a tums or similar antacid.

As always check with your doctor. If you have an ulcer don't do anything to aggrevate it.

Hope this helps. -- Again, these are just well founded suggestions to help reduce the upset stomach problem.
Appearantly you're having some kind of stomach problem, and coffee happens to be one of the agent that intensify the symptoms. I would find out what is the underlying cause of your stomach with your doctor first, and then try to get rid of it, and then let your stomach heal to the original state, and then you can resume your coffee drinking habbit. Get a H. pylori (a bacterium) screen.
caffeine doesn't cause an increase in stomach acid, at least not enough to cause problems. What it DOES do is cause relaxation of the hyatal spinchter, allowing the acid already there to leak up into the esophagus causing heartburn. (this would be why the tums work to aleviate symptoms).

so basically, coffee/caffeine wont increase stomach acid, but it can cause that acid to have negative effects.
Actually, if you have a gastric ulcer or gastitis coffee can indeed irritate the gastric mucosa. Does caffeine relax the lower esopheal sphincter (LES) yes it does...but it didn't sound like heart burn (GERD) was the issue with this person. An H. Pylori test is indeed indicated. If positive then a two antibiotic regimen should be started along with a proton pump inhibitor i.e. Nexium. If negative the person should refrain from coffee for a few weeks while taking a PPI. Then they should slowly go back into drinking coffee.
U could try taking a teaspoon of apple cidar vinegar each and every morning, which is what I do to rid myself of heartburn. Heartburn (or stomach acidity) is caused by not getting enough acid in your body, thus the stomach produces more acid then it should. If you take something that gives your body some acid, then your stomach will cease from creating it instead. Apple cidar vinegar by Bragg's seems to be the best, and highly recommended for this situation. Then, you could drink as much coffee as you'd like. Hope this helps.

You could also try some Gano Excel coffee, as this seems to be the healthier choice for coffee, even though those who are stuck on the coffee bean would prefer that as thier choice of coffee! I'm a health advocate, and highly believe that one should take a healthier approach to life's ailments.

I used to take tums many years back, but found myself having to take one almost every hour to rid myself of the pain. Switching to apple cidar vinegar has helped me where I only take, at most, one teaspoon every morning. I can sometimes go days without needing another teaspoon!

Hope this helps!
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I have heard of people having difficulty with stomach acid and heart burn when drinking coffee. In my experience I find that these problems have been reduced or eliminated altogether by drinking infrared roasted coffee. I currently drink infrared roasted coffee and I never have these problems anymore plus I enjoy the taste more as well. It is also less bitter. Only 2% of coffee in the world is infrared roasted so it is not always easy to find. These problems seem to affect some people more than others.
Personally, if you are having problems, and you have had the symptoms for an extended period of time, I would consult a doctor. It could very well be a very minor problem, but you will never know, so make an appointment. Self diagnosis can be very stressful and in many cases un-warranted.
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