Coffee bean question


New member
Sep 26, 2004
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Ok, here's my question. I bought some whole bean coffee from a major, national coffee house (don't know if I can say their actual name but anyway). I bought the espresso roast bold flavor. When I pulled a shot it tasted burnt - like someone had a lighter and lite a coffee bean on fire and let it burn for a while, grounded it up and then put it in a espresso machine. I'm not the best at wording things but that's what it tasted like. Why did it taste this way? Can I get some professonial feed back on this please, I'd appreciate it. :)
Coffee Beans question

O ok cool thank you jeffo. I have another question for ya if you don't mind. Now what kind of coffee beans do most coffee cafe's,drive thru's, or coffee carts use when making there espresso based drinks. Star Bucks uses there espresso roast bold flavor beans for drinks like iced mocha, white chocolate mochas etc.
You lost me...
"Star Bucks uses there espresso roast bold flavor beans for drinks like iced mocha, white chocolate mochas etc"

Everyone has their own espresso is not a set blend....for everyone to have one almighty blend...that would be hard to do...I mean....I can only roast so much coffee in a day!!! :wink:
Thanks Topher

Thanks Topher very interesting info
coffee question

I would like any info anyone knows on roasting their own coffee. Do I need to buy an expensive machine, how do i get the different types of flavor beans like in the shops if I try and roast my own coffee, for example how do i get french roasted beans. :)
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