Coffee for Easter ...


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Jul 24, 2020
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Easter is about to come. Probably no one a few months ago expected how we will celebrate it this year. The coronavirus has entered our reality and ... does not let go. However, without giving in to a bad mood, today there will be a coffee recipe that will certainly improve your mood during this festive time. Here is my version of coffee for Easter ...
wednesday with coffee

Coffee for Easter - espresso straight from the egg!
Relax, not so real but… chocolate. It is said that Australians came up with this sweet idea. And they were the first to give it in this sweet form. I am not sure if this is true - one thing is for sure - this perfect combination of classic espresso and milk chocolate will improve everyone's mood!

What do you need

a chocolate egg, empty inside
an espresso cup - it must be small enough so that the chocolate egg does not tip over in it.
portion of espresso

Take the chocolate egg out of the colored silverware, slightly cut its top. Then put it in a cup so that it does not tip over, held by the walls of the vessel. Prepare a portion of espresso and pour hot into the center of the chocolate egg. Decorate with a delicate cloud of whipped cream. We serve immediately.

Latte macchiato with advocate ...
the color of the coming holidays is certainly yellow. Therefore, coffee at Easter with a "Jajar" twist will always be appreciated. I realize that not everyone likes such coffee inventions, but this time it's worth trying!

What do you need

tall glass such as for latte or irish coffee
a portion of advocat - it's hard for me to say how much exactly - here is a matter of individual taste ...
a portion of milk about 100 ml
50 ml espresso portion

We start by heating the milk. When it is hot, we froth it using available means - under pressure, with a hand frother, mixer or jar. We are preparing an espresso. Pour a portion of advocat at the bottom of the glass. Then pour the frothed milk, and then gently pour the espresso. We created colorful coffee ... just in time for the festive mazurka!

coffee for Easter

Here are my suggestions for some aromatic food for this coming time. Of course, coffee for Easter can look completely different. Because nothing can break the sweetness of mazurkas, baby and cheesecake as well as a strong espresso or a well-made flat white (see: the most popular types of coffee - flat white). However, both an espresso drunk straight from a chocolate egg and a latte macchiato with advocate can be a culinary curiosity that will surprise everyone!