Coffee shop name


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Aug 15, 2006
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Hi all : I'm in the process of opening a coffee shop and I’m having difficulty with the name can you please help me with :lol: it is driving me crazy
Business Naming

Coming up with a business name can be taxing sometimes. I know that we went through many weeks of trying to get something that best described what our coffeehouse would be like, and I think we finally captured that in our name.

That said, there are a few things to think about for your business name. You want it to be unique and not something that someone could easily confuse with another business. It probably would be best if it captured some of the "essence" of what you want your shop to be like. "Jumpin' Joe's" could convey a sense of upbeat, happiness, hip, etc.. Also think of your target demographic audience, and this may help with naming as well. To make things worse, sometimes an off-the-wall name is beneficial, as long as its not too "out there". You could try to gain panache by going upscale, like "The Coffee Martini" or something else.

Gosh, ultimately, it comes down to what you like. Start writing down some different names that you like and analyze them a bit. See if they convey what you want them to. Ask others around you their opinions of the names. And for goodness sake, make sure to have fun with it! Business should be just as much about having fun as it is about making money, right? Good luck. Cheers!
What have you come up with so far? Where is it going to be located? Who is your customer?

Give some details and perhaps we can help brainstorm. What you get out of this thread is related to how much you put into your question.
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coffee shop

Well thank you all i'm trying to make it as cozy and relaxing as possible , but still to be an upper scale than starbucks or carribou. the name that i thought about is an I like the most is Fresco which means cool or fresh.
I also thought about Beano or visbs. But if ind fresco to be more easierand has a meaning to it . Help please :-D :lol:
Did you come up with a name?

Koji, names are tough and I''d suggest that one of the things you should consider is trademarking it IF you think you''d ever expand into other areas outside of where you are considering opening your first store. Good luck.
what''s taken?

I too am in the process of trying to find a name although I think I have chosen the keeper! Does anyone know of a way to determine if someone else has already taken it? What must one do to ensure they can use the name?
I've posted some ideas on this matter in my blog in 2005 - my position remains the same: ... shop-names

You should consider registering the trademark; if your concept is unique, this can be done for a minimal expense by a qualified attorney; if you find a conflict, it's probably better to change your mark now. In the long term, this will save you future business headaches, both in knowing that you have an established position that will be found by others doing a similar search before starting some new mark and also that you are not creating a liability for yourself by infringing on another.
i would go with something not directly coffee related...catually. maybe a word or short phrase...or name it after someone special to you...

i kind of turn my nose up at \"cutsey'' coffee shop names (\"mocha\" followed by anything...or including the word \"java\" in the name...)

i''ll name some that exist already:
serendipity coffee in evans, ga (with a definition of the word on the wall above the menu)
R.Gabriels in augusta, ga (angel theme, name combined after the kids of the owners...)
CC''s in new orleans, la(which is Community Coffee...but the cafe''s just use the shortened version)
Mud House in springfield, mo (mud refers to coffee..but its a little less overdone)

and some names that exist which i think sound silly:
mocha marks, mocha delight, the daily grind, the inner bean, java hut, mocha mans....