Coffee Shop Startup Package incl. Faema E98 President


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Dec 3, 2004
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Hi there,

I am pretty new to the coffee business, however I have seen a niche in the UK market and I am opening up a coffee shop.

I have been doing some research and have found a package that miko coffee are offering at the moment

I was just hoping that someone could give me their opinion as to whether they think its a good package to go with. I have read up about Faema and they are Italy's top selling commercial espresso machine - I cant think of a place where people are more fussy about their coffee, so I see this as a good sign. In regards to coffee beans, The Savoy Hotel in London uses miko granditalia beans, so they must be good - I am thinking that I might be able to strike a deal if I choose this package and also choose miko as my coffee bean provider.

Any advice?
Just my two cents... or pence

Hi there... I'd like to share my two cents (or pence as the case may be) about my expirience.

Faema expresso machines are very good machines. I am running a 3 group one in my cafe, having just upgraded from a 1 group.

However... in my humble opinion it doesn't make a bean of diffenece what sort of machine you use. Most owners have the favorites... but consumers don't really care.

What they care about (or at least the repeat customers you will need) is a great fresh tasting coffee.

So to me, more important then what machine you use, is which coffee supplier you pick. I have no idea about the one you've mentioned. I use a local roaster who roasts everyday, and get my beans weekly; so they are freshest I can get.

Over Christmas, I ordered a few extra bags to last while he went on holiday, and I could tell the difference between a brand new bag, and one 3 weeks old.

Basically, before you pick a supplier make sure there coffee is the freshest you can buy. Most major suppliers beans are probably a few weeks old (some may even be a lot more) and if you want to serve great coffee go for the freshest roasted beans you can.

Good luck... Brian
already gone for it

hi there. Thanks for your reply. I have already gone for the offer. Shopped around for a while and couldnt find a better deal. Went into the showroom and was really impressed with the machine and even more so with the taste of their coffee. Cafe has been up and running for 2 months now and I have already established a large number of loyal customers. I guess when you are up against the likes of Starbucks and Costa - having a coffee that tastes great will win you the customers.
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