coffee- tea??


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Mar 7, 2005
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I own a retail shop and now- a cafe- I've noticed in my retail store an increased demand for whole leaf teas and would like to offer it in the cafe.

I happen to enjoy whole leaf over bags- must be the ritual- but for those in the business- what are you seeing in your cafes??

For those who sell whole leaf- what % of the business is it for you-
How many flavors would you suggest for opening and can anyone recommend a good source for teapots- leaf bags etc??? Our roaster offers whole leaf- but I'd like some others for comparison.
Rishi tea is amazing! we are west coast partner distributor and sell a ton. It will blow your mind with quality taste.
Andy I agree!!

I love their tropical blend and recently tried a green tea jasmine- the smell of the leaves were incredible- that was enough for me!!!

Do you know who wholesales them here in the midwest?? Do they have any pkgs that you would recommend- and do they also provide pots- equip- etc..??

We use a packaged whole leaf tea and brew it with the expresso machine. It is outstanding and I think that our tea business will grow when our customers discover it.
is your tea pkg'd- as in ready to toss in the brewer in it's own filter pack? We picked a black tea blend- and it's loose- but not pkg'd for the brewer- I find our brewer pours right through it- which tell me one or the other is not properly adjusted- ???

Who did you end up using??
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