commercial espresso grinders? seeking suggestions.

Blue Monkey Too

New member
Feb 11, 2005
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I'd like to know which commercial espresso grinder is the most reliable and efficient. Seeking suggestions. Thanks.
I'm partial to cabinet mounted stone grinders. The ones Terry is putting out at Ambex are first rate!

Just placed an order for his new slicing burrs to replace my worn ones for my ARG1 commercial burr grinder.

If you are planning to grind a good amount (500 lbs plus) daily, without the need to adjust finer/coarser than a stone grinder is the call.

If you are planning on smaller amounts with alot of adjustment then go with a commercial burr grinder.

Look at the specs from the different manufacturers, they list how many pounds per minute at a certain grind setting.

The problem with alot of so called commercial grinders is they are severly underpowered. After about 40 lbs of continous grinding, the motors will overheat and shut down the unit untill it cools.
If it is for your shop...this is probably more money than you may have anticipated....but i would buy one of these again in a heartbeat.

Not the most well known....but it works absolutely awesome!


Good luck in your ventures and search of equipment.

I'm partial to cabinet mounted stone grinders. The ones Terry is putting out at Ambex are first rate!

Just placed an order for his new slicing burrs to replace my worn ones for my ARG1 commercial burr grinder.

If you are planning to grind a good amount (500 lbs plus) daily, without the need to adjust finer/coarser than a stone grinder is the call.

If you are planning on smaller amounts with alot of adjustment then go with a commercial burr grinder.

Look at the specs from the different manufacturers, they list how many pounds per minute at a certain grind setting.

The problem with alot of so called commercial grinders is they are severly underpowered. After about 40 lbs of continous grinding, the motors will overheat and shut down the unit untill it coolsQUOTE]
I picked-up an ambex arg1 at an auction reciently and the tensioning spring seems to be faulty and the grinder becomes disengaged. Can't find anything on this machine. Any information you might have as where to find parts and an owners manual would be a great help. Thanks peter
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