Technivorm Moccamaster KBT or Oxo Brew 8 or ...


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Jan 21, 2019
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Looks like I missed out on the Moccamaster sale prices recently but, they will be back I'm sure so not overly worried as I ponder my options.

I have been looking at the Technivorm Moccamaster KBT or Oxo Brew 8 primarily but there, are likely other coffee makers in the ~$250 range that are worthy of my consideration. Reading various online reviews has been "analysis paralysis" due to largely conflicting reviews by schills, people who don't know what a good cup of coffee is, and folks promoting options with promotion money under the table.

I rarely make an 8 cup pot of coffee at one time so, I have been looking at smaller capacity options. The Moccamaster One-Cup is just too specialized and expensive so, it is out. The Oxo looks like it can brew directly into a travel mug which is nice, though the pot seems a little irksome for special events where an 8-cup pot would be nice. Moccamaster is basically a legend across a wide variety of options so, I basically settled on the KBT because it appears to support ~2 or ~4 cup brews well as opposed to other options that really only do full pots.

Shower head and bloom differences are really hard to quantify as well so, here I am seeking guidance from those familiar with premium coffee pots like these and other similar options.

I should note I drink primarily medium roast coffee as I don't like the burnt and bitter notes on most of the darker varieties I have tried. I intend to do some lighter roast brews as well but, think I need to run cooler water for those beans so, perhaps not a good option for a coffee pot like one of these, and where a better option is a pour-over brew.
The Technivorm Moccamaster is extremely well made, you might not want to spend the money, but it will outlast most coffee makers you're going to buy at that price range, and even more.

But that doesn't mean there aren't solid alternatives, take a look at this unit:

You might want to google reviews on that Simply Good Coffee The Brewer, because everyone I saw raved about it, and it's about 1/2 the price of the Technivorm.

I never had coffee made by either of those two machines so I can't tell you which is better, but the price for The Brewer is spot on, and the reviews are good.
I've had a lot of drip brewers ( Ratio Six, Breville, Delonghi TrueBrew, Bonavita, OXO and the Belmuda Brew) and I always go back to my Moccamaster, I've been using them since 1974.
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