Moccamaster often overflows when brewing?


Dec 5, 2014
Pawleys Island, SC
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My daughter is having a curious issue with a Moccamaster KB. Often, when she brews coffee, the contents of the brew basket bubble up, with coffee grounds adhering to the brew basket lid, making a mess.

She and I have been using Technivorm brewers for many years with complete satisfaction. We use similar brewers (mine are Moccamaster KBTS's), identical coffee, and grind coarseness. In her 1.25 l coffee maker, she is using 62.5 g of ground coffee to brew only 1 l of coffee. I never have a problem, doing the same thing, and her problem is intermittent. In an effort to solve the problem, we tried replacing the brew basket, but that did not help.

When I asked Technivorm customer support, they replied promptly and courteously, but had no ideas beyond type of filter, grind coarseness, quantity of coffee used... In other words, nothing that hasn't been working for both of us, each using several different Technivorm coffee brewers, for years.

Any thoughts?


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Unless something is drastically affecting the flow rate the first thing that comes to mind is using super fresh coffee as the bloom stage can do just that...
Good point! That is something logical I had not considered. We do get freshly roasted coffee, in small batches, from a local roaster. OTOH, we are both brewing the same coffees, as nearly as I can tell, the same way. Why she is having problems, while I am not, puzzles me. I am thinking about your comment about flow rate. That could vary between our coffee makers.