CUBAN COFFEE!! 100% Pure Origin Cuban Beans....


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Dec 20, 2003
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CigarCzar of Montreal is pleased to announce the launch of CafeCubano, offering the finest freshly-roasted, 100% pure origin Cuban coffees available, shipped directly to your US address.

2 for 1 quantity pricing for unroasted (green) bean orders on selected varieties!

Your order is custom-roasted and shipped within 24 hours for maximum freshness. CafeCubano is currently featuring the following 100% Cuban coffees:

Altura Turquino
Turquino Lavado
Extra Turquino Lavado
Cumbre Lavado
Caracollilo (Peaberry)
Crystal Mountain

We GUARANTEE delivery on all orders to the US, or we will replace it FREE!

Please visit us at

We look forward to serving you!

Thank you and Happy Holidays from all of us at CafeCubano!
I am intereseted and after the holidays I will probably order some..did I see right though? All the green coffee is over $10 a pound? What if someone wanted to buy say anywhere from 1 to 10 sacks?
cafe cubano

I am so happy to hear about the distribution of el cafe cubano! Since I left Cuba 2 years ago, I have only gotton to indulge in the pleasure of this my favorite in all the world (Cubita) more specifically twice more. I hope to purchase some and try out the others. What do you recommend I try besides Cubita? Also, does your company sell the items to prepare the way they do down there? thanks
I hate to tell you this, but this company is a scam. I ordered a 1/2 pound of Crystal Mountain from them on Dec 25th and have yet to receive anything. I have emailed them 5 or 6 times. I only got 1 response from they claiming that there was a delay in shipping. It is now Feb 06!!! My last two emails were asking for a credit to my card and to cancel the order. Guess what? No coffee, no response, no credit. :(
el cafe cubano

Thanks a lot for the info on that cuban coffee company. I need to be a more informed consumer. By the by, is anyone aware of a legitimate company that sells the cuban coffees?
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