Sorry for my answer, but as a pretty good rule those who start fixating on sales at this stage of the game generally miss the larger picture.
Top sales? Look at Intelligentsia, Stumptown, and Caffe Artigiano for starters. Last time anyone made mention, Stumptown was going through 100# of espresso per week in their couple of stores, this doesn't count any coffee sales, whole bean sales, etc,. In terms of dollars, extrapolate and do the math, or call up Duane or Stephen Vick and ask for a ballpark figure. They're all pretty straightfoward guys. And remember these independents, or even Jack Groot over at JP's coffee in Michigan, have been around 10+, 15+, even 18 years and it took time to build their great sales machine.
I've listened to Doug Zell talk about Intelligentsia and despite their 300+ wholesale accounts and couple of locations in Chicago, it wasn't until the past couple of years they were making any serious money. But sales... plenty of that... they just choose to invest a very substantial amount back into their company, into pushing the envelope by sourcing phenomenal beans, helping sustainability, providing exceptional training for their barista, etc. And all top tier independents do this sort of thing... this is why there are only a handful of them, because most owners want to make money 'right now' and forget it's a long term thing, and that it should above all else be about the coffee.