Struggling To Generate Customer Flow


New member
Sep 2, 2024
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Hey Guys,
We've only been open around 10 weeks. We are on a busy four lane hwy with 23K cars daily. We are also located at a traffic signal. Traffic does not see our drive thru until they are parallel to us. Most cars are traveling at 40 plus mph and are more concerned with the traffic signal than turning their heads to the right to see our building. Our daily sales ranges from 15 sales to 30 sales a day. And we get most of our business between 8am and 11:30am even though we open at 6:30am. We are seeing very slight growth but not at the rate that we had originally hoped for. We are strictly drive thru at this point but hope to eventually expand and add some sit down customers. We have a billboard on our property and are advertising on it. And we are tapping into everything that we can think of to promote the business but money is tight. We have two other successful businesses but this our first experience with restaurants. At this point we are trying to figure out a way to communicate with the drive by traffic. It seems that no matter what we put on our reader board outdoor sign that very few motorists are reading it. Thanks for listening!
Any feedback is appreciated!
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