Expected sales growth rate for a new independent craft coffee shop ??


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Nov 22, 2018
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I opened a coffee shop 4 months ago, 1100 sq ft, in an affluent neighborhood with nearby office buildings. No drive-through. We are averaging 60-70 transactions per day in our fourth month, $6.20 per transaction, and it seems that the sales trend is positive. We have a 50-50 mix of new vs returning customers. I wonder when will I hit my estimated break-even-point of 120 transactions per day.
In your experience for new independent craft coffee shops, when do you start to hit break-even numbers?
Lets say that my shop is set up to succeed, when should I expect to see more stable numbers? This is my first venture at all, and in coffee. Your experience and guidance will be highly appreciated.
I'm sorry I don't have answers but I'm willing to kick some ideas around. Hopefully it won't derail your thread. I'm looking to open a coffee shop in the mountains of Northern California. I'm wondering how you arrived at the 120 transactions/day goal. I am looking at a site with a drive through. The rent is high, $8000/month. It used to be a fast food place. I estimated that I would need to sell 200 cups of coffee per day to make a go of it.
Having been in the same situation............. how are you driving sales ? You would need to both/either drive 60 new customers to your shop and/or increase your average ticket ...................though your ticket is around industry average
I opened a coffee shop 4 months ago, 1100 sq ft, in an affluent neighborhood with nearby office buildings. No drive-through. We are averaging 60-70 transactions per day in our fourth month, $6.20 per transaction, and it seems that the sales trend is positive. We have a 50-50 mix of new vs returning customers. I wonder when will I hit my estimated break-even-point of 120 transactions per day.
In your experience for new independent craft coffee shops, when do you start to hit break-even numbers?
Lets say that my shop is set up to succeed, when should I expect to see more stable numbers? This is my first venture at all, and in coffee. Your experience and guidance will be highly appreciated.

Start promoting on social media and get a marketing expert to do some marketing and promoting for your business!
We are 3 years into a craft shop with roasting. Don't just think sales. Work these three:

- Transactions
- Average Ticket (work it up to 7-8.00 with food)
- Expenses....food costs, labor costs.

120 seems low for that much rent....rule of thumb, one week of sales should pay for rent when breaking even.
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13 months after opening; it has been quite a ride but still worth it
Average 90 transactions per day. $7.40 per ticket
Virtually breaking even
Working on payroll costs and other cost of goods savings
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