Developing the Taste


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May 9, 2012
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Well, my sister is actually a tea addict. She though now wants to turn from tea to coffee but she says that she has no taste for coffee. So is it possible to develop the taste of coffee? I mean do the taste buds of an individual naturally like or dislike a food product? Or someone can develop the taste of a certain food product?
I guess you can say coffee is an acquired taste.. Sort of like Olives perhaps.. They say anyone can get a tast for olives, but you need to be exposed to them.

I remember as a kid not liking coffee, and then even up until I started my journey in the working world, I didn't have a real taste for it. I started out drinking socially lol....

But yes, try to let her sample the better blends first. Stay away from instant, and do NOT take her to a truckstop for their sludge....
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I guess you can say coffee is an acquired taste.. Sort of like Olives perhaps.. They say anyone can get a tast for olives, but you need to be exposed to them.

I remember as a kid not liking coffee, and then even up until I started my journey in the working world, I didn't have a real taste for it. I started out drinking socially lol....

But yes, try to let her sample the better blends first. Stay away from instant, and do NOT take her to a truckstop for their sludge....

I tend to agree with this thought. I too believe that it is an acquired taste really.

I also was not a coffee drinker at all while I was growing up. I didn't have even any liking for tea but as soon as I started my job, I felt that coffee gives me a kick off right at the start of the day and also during the whole day, it keeps me continuously charged. I think coffee works similar to a mobile battery, like when the mobile battery starts deteriorating, you plug it to a charger and it starts charging. Just like that, when I start feeling exhausted during the day in the office, I simply take a mug of coffee and get charged.

I will be definitely giving her reputed blends to start off with.
Better than reputed blends would be almost any coffee freshly roasted from a local source that you grind at home. There is no comparison. No creamer or sweetener necessary. Brands like Starbucks aren't even in the same league, imo.

Yes. Need that recharge during the day sometimes, or that warm cup of coffee before you sit down to begin your work day.

Of course there's always that afternoon "wall" you sometimes need to over come. And don't even get me started in night shift lol... Where you are up all day, and then need to be awake, alert and functioning at work after you have had a full day of running around... *shudder*

Coffee is an excellent thing. It gives you that pick you up, and also gives you something to talk about the the guy on shift with you that you don't really know that well. You swap tales about the wife, kids, whatever, however once the coffee is gone, it's like... Why am I even sticking around? LOL
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Better than reputed blends would be almost any coffee freshly roasted from a local source that you grind at home. There is no comparison. No creamer or sweetener necessary. Brands like Starbucks aren't even in the same league, imo.


Okay but I am not really sure whether it will be good for an individual who has just recently started having coffee. I mean then better market brands or freshly roasted type for my sister? I got a bit confused after reading your post. lol.....
Even the starbucks you say, ,is not in that league??? I think no, I think.
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Of course there's always that afternoon "wall" you sometimes need to over come. And don't even get me started in night shift lol... Where you are up all day, and then need to be awake, alert and functioning at work after you have had a full day of running around... *shudder*

Coffee is an excellent thing. It gives you that pick you up, and also gives you something to talk about the the guy on shift with you that you don't really know that well. You swap tales about the wife, kids, whatever, however once the coffee is gone, it's like... Why am I even sticking around? LOL

Well, that afternoon "wall" is the most important one according to my opinion. The morning "wall" can be actually supported by taking a bath but you don't have even that option in the afternoon while you are in your office.

Lol, that is so right when you say that you keep on swapping tales about everything as long as you have coffee in your mug and you are sipping that, slowly and gradually.

Beans from a local roaster should be head and shoulders above "national" brands, such as Starbucks.

Do some research of your local area and find out who is roasting quality coffee beans. Start your sister with freshly roasted beans and she might very well become a fan of drinking coffee black. Introduce her to black coffee from Starbucks and she will probably decide she only likes coffee with cream and sweetener or that she just doesn't like the taste of coffee at all.
Well, that afternoon "wall" is the most important one according to my opinion. The morning "wall" can be actually supported by taking a bath but you don't have even that option in the afternoon while you are in your office.

Lol, that is so right when you say that you keep on swapping tales about everything as long as you have coffee in your mug and you are sipping that, slowly and gradually.


I find taking a bath doesn't help with the morning "wall" LOL... That relaxes me too much and makes me want to crawl back into bed.

I find that a good cup of coffee and "Eye of the Tiger", or "Final Countdown" work wonders as a morning motivator... Get the music pumping, the coffee flowing, and I am ready to take on the World.. Rocky Balboa ain't got NOTHIN on ME!

Although same could be said for those that cross me when I haven't had that first cup..... lol
Hi "breath9082"

I'm curious. You said your sister is a "tea addict." Why does she want to switch from drinking tea to drinking coffee, especially if she has never liked coffee?

She can develop a taste for coffee if she's determined to do it, but I'm wondering why she wants to switch. If she enjoys drinking tea, why would she want to struggle to develope a taste for coffee???

I'm also wondering if you have been trying to talk her into switching from tea to coffee, and if she is just going along with it to please you .....

Hi "breath9082"

I'm curious. You said your sister is a "tea addict." Why does she want to switch from drinking tea to drinking coffee, especially if she has never liked coffee?

She can develop a taste for coffee if she's determined to do it, but I'm wondering why she wants to switch. If she enjoys drinking tea, why would she want to struggle to develope a taste for coffee???

I'm also wondering if you have been trying to talk her into switching from tea to coffee, and if she is just going along with it to please you .....


Interesting Question. Maybe she just wants to try something new. It is quite possible that she wants to switch to coffee to have something to bond her to her sister, a common interest perhaps... If that is the case, while it is a good intention, as you mentioned in another thread, best to just live and let live, and let the sister have the tea while they enjoy the cup of coffee.

It's always good to be close to your family, and having common interests is one way of doing that. However, if that is what you are trying to accomplish, you might try and focus on more of a hobby than a beverage :)
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Beans from a local roaster should be head and shoulders above "national" brands, such as Starbucks.

Do some research of your local area and find out who is roasting quality coffee beans. Start your sister with freshly roasted beans and she might very well become a fan of drinking coffee black. Introduce her to black coffee from Starbucks and she will probably decide she only likes coffee with cream and sweetener or that she just doesn't like the taste of coffee at all.

Hmmm right. Well, I always preferred national brands over beans from local roaster but perhaps not now, I guess.
I know a few in the area who roast high quality coffee beans and I will soon be contacting them. Thanks for your input. :star:
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I find taking a bath doesn't help with the morning "wall" LOL... That relaxes me too much and makes me want to crawl back into bed.

Ah right but I am completely opposite to that. Once I take a morning bath, I cannot imagine of going back to bed and I find it useless to take rest when you have taken the bath with such hard work, lol.......
Coffee then definitely additionally charges me and I get ready for the day.
Ah right but I am completely opposite to that. Once I take a morning bath, I cannot imagine of going back to bed and I find it useless to take rest when you have taken the bath with such hard work, lol.......
Coffee then definitely additionally charges me and I get ready for the day.

Hmmm... One important part of the equation you haven't mentioned, is it hot or cold? If it's cold, then YEAH that would keep you up for sure LOL... I remember having to bathe in cold water when I was up in the mountains and DAMN it was cold... It definitely gave me incentive to wake up and move around... LOL
Also made me really grateful for that first cup of hot coffee lol....

They all asked when I was coming back.... The minute you install hot water, I might consider it!