Different Varietals in one bag?

Feb 22, 2024
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Good day. I recently made contact with an importer that we are considering moving to. I took some samples of my roasts along and got suprisingly good compliments on how clean they were😁💥. The guy from the importing company mentioned that the Colombia Excelso I use looks like it might have different varietals in it as some of the beans were lighter than the others and there were no signs of roasting defects to indicate otherwise.

Basically what I would like to ask is wether this is a common occurrence with excelso's? I am considering trying their Supremo if I can get the price jump past the "board" 😁.

Thank you for any input you guys can give🙏🏼
Excelso & Supremo are simply terms to denote they are exports of Colombia - they are not related to cup quality or varietal only size. Excelso's screen w/ 18 size sieve, Supremos w/ 16 size sieve. You will fine a mixed bag of varietals and quality in either size.
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