Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine


New member
Mar 8, 2008
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Hey everybody,

I (or should I say we) are big coffee drinkers in our house and was thinking about getting a Dolce Gusto coffee machine for OH for his birthday in a couple of weeks.

Has anybody had any experience with this machine and is it worth the money or not?

Thanks in advance :-)

I don't know anyone who has a single serve (pod) machine, but I must say the Dolce Gusto that you're thinking about getting looks very interesting.

It sounds like you're looking for a coffee maker that's easy and fun to use, and a traditional espresso machine may not be something you'd want to get right now.

I'm a firm believer in encouraging anyone who is interested in exploring the world of coffee, because the exploration may soon become a passion. Who knows, when you're tired of buying all of those handy coffee/milk pods, you may want to graduate to a more traditional type of espresso machine for your home use.

In the mean time, have you checked out the single serve coffee forum website? They review all of the newest coffee gadgets, and you may get more of an insight there.

Good luck with your purchasing decision. Let us know how the machine works out.

dolce gusto

hiya m8 new here, my m8 has got 1, its mid range between senseo and tassimo good value for money have tried latte and hada hot chocolate, it isnt loud both drinks were nice, i went and bought myself a tassimo the other day, im only 16 and been drinking coffee for bowt a year from instant :( as parents in family dont like it so had to save up fro one so cnt really say if its better than the others, i like both products tassimo and gusto both have a range of drinks available and the ones i have tried have been gawgus also both are very user friendly, all to do with your price range dolce gusto is a good all rounder but if you could spend a bit more id go for tassimo, wouldnt go for senseo as have read articles were they have been faulty. please reply back if i have been helpful or have been just rambling on for no apparent reason ty
Hello Murtle 545,

Welcome to the Coffee Forums.

I was very impressed when I read that you are only 16 and you saved up your money to buy a Tassimo coffee maker. Most people your age have lots of other things they'd rather spend their money on. I hope you're enjoying your machine and that you are tasting a lot of interesting coffee beverages. It's so nice to see someone your age exploring the world of coffee. There is so much to learn and enjoy.

Best Wishes,

cheers pinkrose

thanks for the warm welcome went out today nd bought loads of pods for it lol anyways ty ope ive been help on this subject i am enjoying it
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