Drive Through Vs. Starbucks


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Mar 9, 2005
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Hey all. First time poster, hadn't seen anyone talking about this type of situation before so I figured I'd ask.

I'm looking to open a drive through coffee shop in Northern CA. I've got several locations, the best of which, traffic and location wise has one small draweback. A starbucks right across the street. It's a small one and has no drive though. It is also, according to traffic analysis, on the wrong side of the street for the majoriity of morning commuters.

Anyone have any experience doing this. I read the article that was referenced about competing with Starbucks and it gives me hope, but since this is my first venture into this, I'm not sure I want that kind of direct competition my first time out.

Any thoughts are welcome.

I own two coffeeshops in the Omaha area that were voted "Best of Omaha" three years in a row, and there's quite a few Starbucks in town!! And now Starbucks is building a store right across the street from one of my shops, but I'm not worried about it. As far as your location issue, I've heard that usually Starbucks pick good sites, so if you can get on the same corner as them, it would probably be a good choice. Also, if you have a product at least as good as them and better customer service, then you can be successful. The traffic that the Starbucks store draws will also (depending on your location) draw traffic near to your store. I just wouldn't worry about being near a Starbucks.
That's kinda what I figured.

Starbucks does a lot of things 'right' but they do so many things wrong as well.

I'm putting it in the same perspective as putting a Chili's right next to a McDonalds. Both sell burgers, but people will go to different places depending on what they are looking for in the experience and the food.

Thanks for the info....

Now, if I could just get a commercial real estate agent to return a friggin phone call....
Star bucks nearby is a GREAT THING!!! Star bucks is increasingly NOT even competition to us anymore. They are moving to become McDonalds of the "coffee experience" My prediction is that within 3 years the majority of their same store growth will come from NON COFFEE items. So be paranoid and scared and then beat them the only way you can:

1) Better quality coffee
2) Better service and ambiance
3) Being small and local and NOT a corporate chain.

that is just my opinion...

hook up with a great artisan coffee roaster partner and become a student of the bean. Quality first.

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