Hello, I am wondering if anyone has any insights as to what type of rules there are for making a drive-thru \"lane\" onto my commercial property to start a drive-thru coffee bar. It would have to be a single side drive-thru. I feel I may have a great location for a drive through and am wondering how I go about getting a lane for the cars to pull off, are there legalities? Do I just ask city hall what to do ? In Canada a business liscence is $50. I have the property. My husband and I want to make the unit and custom everything inside... Do I just need food and safety certificate if I run my own shop. Does a food health/safety inspection happen even for drive-thru joints? I am sure they must. Do I need to have plumbing or can I carry water out from our house? We have a commercial/res. property and both sides of the property are paved the alley access has a great potecial as it is right off the highway...Just looking for insights as I would love to make this happen....