You know I have timed my shot to perfection, my customers beam over the espresso, but I keep reading about " puck" evaluation. I have my machine producing about 9mbars and at @190deg. It kinda wierd, I load the portafilter, scrape off excess to have a level surface with the top edge of the coffe basket,and tamp. mate,pull time, and remove potrafilter after the pull, I bang the portafillter with a solid thump in the knock box...and.....crumbly "non-puck" is what I get. sota has form in some of the peices, but no definitive " puck" I'm pulling 2x shots all the time, and it doesn't matter if I hand tamp or use the MACAP. I feel like a moron asking but, I admit I have alot to learn. Thanks for any responces.