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Jan 11, 2018
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What really is “EarthFest”?
EarthFest is a festival and social gathering happening in Singapore every now and then with a motive to create awareness among the people regarding environment protection. The festival invites people from all over the world to participate in it and achieve the maximum amount of exposure to people for adopting eco-friendly products and lifestyle. The event encourages the participants to go nature-friendly and also teaches them how to create awareness around them to influence the surrounding people. This is the event which makes us realizes that what will happen in near future if we don’t take a step forward towards adopting green solutions. The effects due to non-eco-friendly lifestyle are easily seen in the form of global warming, animal spices extinction, insects getting smaller in size, abnormal weather changes, unexpected thunderstorms, icebergs and glaciers collapsing and the list goes on and on. These all are the signs of nature to alert us regarding the imbalance we are causing to the environment by increasing our carbon footprints every day.

How EarthFest encourages going green?
In the event there are stalls everywhere you go, promoting to eat healthy vegetarian food and avoid non-vegetarian as much as possible, the food is served in biodegradable plates which they cut with scissors after you finish eating and at the end all the waste utensils which are collected are taken to local farms and are used as compost to increase the fertility of the soil. Not only plates, but there are stalls serving cod and hot beverages in biodegradable cups which are further dumped into the soil so that it can act as compost. The procedure which will happen to the waste utensils is explained to the visitors and they are also encouraged to buy these products to use them instead of plastic utensils. Not only food products but organic soaps, jewelry made out of recycled materials, solar powered equipment, less energy consuming equipment, recycle books, eco-friendly crockery and lots more. Manufacturers from all over the globe take part and all you can see around you is low or no carbon footprints techniques. Not even a single item used is harmful to nature in this event; even the dustbin bags are biodegradable.
What is a Green carnival?
Green Carnival, is a part of this event where NGO’s are invited to perform an interactive game for all age group members where the learns something about being nature-friendly and realizing their own carbon footprints consisting of water, land and food chain based games.
The festival has a live music event program where the musical instrument that they play is made from recycled materials like tins, bamboo etc... Which defines that beautiful creation does not need to be expensive and extraordinary things can also be made from waste.
“Making Best from Waste” is the concept which is promoted by this.
Every aspect of this event is launched having a very critical environment saving the message for all of us to respect what all things have nature provided us with and restore the carbon footprints which we have increased. We should be aware and concerned about what we will be giving our future generation.