Empty stomach?


Dec 12, 2020
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Is it better to drink coffee which isnt too strong with cream or milk on an empty stomach or with food in the morning? Which is healthier to do?
Simply figure out what works best for you and stick with it as what all others do likely won't apply.
My daily regimen is starting with 3 double ristrettos within 20 mins or so then will eat a bit like a Clif bar or homemade biscotti along with a pint of whole milk. A few hrs later I will consume 2-3 more double ristrettos and call it good. Sometimes mid day I'll have an energy drink to maintain what bit of energy I can muster up. Have no side effects to consuming upwards of 1 gram of caffeine in 4-5 hrs as I do it fairly often. Honestly don't care for a healthy side to it all as if what I've survived in this life hasn't destroyed me I consider caffeine in mass quantities the least of possible threats.
Is it better to drink coffee which isnt too strong with cream or milk on an empty stomach or with food in the morning? Which is healthier to do?
I personally like to drink coffee with cream and a little sugar on an empty stomach. It gives me an energy boost for the day. In terms of health, it's probably better to have it with food in the morning to avoid upsetting your stomach.
browny = spammer
No doubt as I PM'd them asking why bother filling forums with useless garbage... likely a waste of my time, but it gets old seeing how many want to make an easy $ regardless what's involved. I know moderators get tired of dealing with it and I just like to call the spam/scam buttplugs out to get the point across.
Well - what they are doing is creating backlinks to their website. So more backlinks, more traffic to their website ... not just direct traffic; the main reason is that it increases their SEO ratings and will rank higher in google searches with backlinks. Most likely, since this forum is not managed daily, it is one of the easy targets for backlinks.
It really depends on the individual and their own health needs. Generally speaking, it is not recommended to drink coffee on an empty stomach, as it can cause an upset stomach and can also increase the risk of developing heartburn. Coffee can also increase the production of stomach acid, which can be uncomfortable and can lead to other digestive issues.

However, if you do choose to drink coffee on an empty stomach, it is best to opt for a milder blend with cream or milk. This will help to reduce the acidity of the coffee and make it easier to digest. Additionally, adding cream or milk can help to slow down the absorption of caffeine, which can help to reduce the risk of experiencing any adverse effects.

In terms of which is healthier to do, it is generally better to have coffee with food in the morning. This will help to reduce the risk of developing any digestive issues, as well as providing some additional nutrients and energy. Additionally, having food with your coffee can help to slow down the absorption of caffeine, which can help to reduce the risk of experiencing any adverse effects.
It really depends on the individual and their own health needs. Generally speaking, it is not recommended to drink coffee on an empty stomach, as it can cause an upset stomach and can also increase the risk of developing heartburn. Coffee can also increase the production of stomach acid, which can be uncomfortable and can lead to other digestive issues.

However, if you do choose to drink coffee on an empty stomach, it is best to opt for a milder blend with cream or milk. This will help to reduce the acidity of the coffee and make it easier to digest. Additionally, adding cream or milk can help to slow down the absorption of caffeine, which can help to reduce the risk of experiencing any adverse effects.

In terms of which is healthier to do, it is generally better to have coffee with food in the morning. This will help to reduce the risk of developing any digestive issues, as well as providing some additional nutrients and energy. Additionally, having food with your coffee can help to slow down the absorption of caffeine, which can help to reduce the risk of experiencing any adverse effects.
Do most people drink their coffee with food or alone?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether it is better on an empty stomach or with food. Some people think coffee on an empty stomach can cause stomach issues, while others say it is no big deal. So, it is a matter of personal preference and tolerance when deciding what works best for you. You may experiment with different approaches to see what makes you feel good.
I always consume 3 doubles before eating just to get that tiny bit of caffeine doing its thing, then eat so that slows the absorption rate for the following 2-3. Thankfully I have never been bothered by coffee/caffeine in any problematic way.
I am skeptical of "generally speaking" advice above. Look, if you have a cup of coffee on an empty stomach and it makes you sick or gives you indigestion, than don't do it again.

I have two cups of coffee before I have any breakfast. One waiting for me bedside as soon as I rise, and one at table before food is served. I would not want to live any other way.
"drinking coffee on an empty stomach is not very useful"

But it sure tastes good. :)
I understand. My first cup of the day is on an empty stomach, because I want more impact from the caffeine. Then I get something to eat, and have another cup.
Could one do both? Drink a coffee on an empty stomach to get the caffeine hit, and then with the next meal cuz it tastes so good.
Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can help with weight loss. And regularity.

It impacts everyone a little different. There is no one rule that fits everyone. My suggestion is that if it bothers you, don't do it.
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