Entering the world of roasting


New member
Apr 29, 2008
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I live in the New England area and I''m looking to make a job shift into the world of roasting. Any advice for getting my foot in the door somewhere would be great. Is it best to just start talking to roasters and finding an opening or is it better to catch a roasting class this summer then talk to roasters? I can offer a roaster marketing experience but no roasting experience.

Thanks for the help.

Hi Justin, it's good to see a fellow New Englander in the forum. There's another new member here from Boston as well. I'm in Western Mass. myself.

There is lots of good roasting info in the "Coffee Roasters" section of the forum as well.

Welcome to coffee forums!!!
What am I, the plague? :roll:

I gotta stop greeting the newbies, they never come back after seeing my ugly mug. We need a cuter girlie mug, like say PinkRose to greet the newbies.
Hi Mr. Biscotto,

I enjoy reading your postings when you greet the new members. You're doing a great job welcoming them.

You are definitely not "the plague." I bet the new folks haven't found the forum section with the pictures of you yet. (which show that you are pretty handsome, in my humble opinion)

I'm sure they just need some time to get used to hanging out in the coffee forum. Justin is probably still very busy reading all the stuff that's in the "coffee roasters" section that you recommended.

I'm away from my computer a lot now-a-days (several days in a row each week), which makes it difficult for me to welcome the new members like I used to. It's good to see that you're doing a great job helping the new folks feel welcome. I always look forward to reading your postings ....they're very entertaining and informative.

PinkRose said:
Hi Mr. Biscotto,
.......You are definitely not "the plague." I bet the new folks haven't found the forum section with the pictures of you yet. (which show that you are pretty handsome, in my humble opinion).....

You must be talking about the deer in John P's photo. He was the one in the hat remember?
I'm the one with the Denzel face and the body like Arnold. :D

Alun Evans, still looking for an apprentice? How's the tsunami forecast for the summer over there in Indonesia?

Gee, not funny I know. China is having such a difficult time with that recent earthquake, something like 50,000 fatalities. Anyone know whats the latest in China?
Still looking. Had a couple of bites in the last week, I am hoping 1 of them may fit the bill of what I am looking for...and of course we fit their idea of an interesting to live and work coffee.

Fingers crossed no more natural disasters will hit anytime soon...but the track record shows that in this region of the world, the next earthquake, flood, Tsunami etc could be just around the corner
Hello Mr. Biscotto

Nope...I wasn't talking about the deer in John P's photo.

By the way, in case any new members are interested in seeing the member pictures thread (so you can take a look at the photos that some of the postings here are referring to) this is the thread page (It has three pages so far.)

http://www.coffeeforums.com/viewtopic.p ... sc&start=0

It looks like Topher is wearing a Coffee Forums T-shirt in his photo. Are you jealous?

Do you think we should ask Topher about his tatoos?

Rose, yes as you remember I was hoping for a coffee forums shirt since I joined the forum.

I'd prefer a brown coffee forums shirt though, not green. Men's size Large.

I can't ask Topher about his tattoos. It would be kinda gay if I asked. Well, you know gay like happy and I'm not happy, not like that, so maybe you could ask him. :D

So...Mr. Biscotto won't ask Topher about his tatoos. What's with you guys anyway? Isn't a tatoo an artistic creation that a person chooses to display. Isn't that person actualy inviting people to ask about it?

Don't you ever wonder what a person's tatoo is about or why he or she got it? I bet there is a story behind every tatoo. Okay, I admit it. I'm the curious nut in the bunch, so I'll be the one to ask.

Topher... when I was looking at your photos, I noticed that you have a couple of tatoos on your arm. If it's not too personal, would you please tell us (me) what they are?


If I remember rightly Topher has a coffee bean tattoo on one wrist, the rest I am not sure about. I have heard he may have a map of the the worlds coffee origins tattooed somewhere out of the line of sight, complete with the correct curvature of the globe...although that may be a myth :grin: I think that is the one Caffe Biscotto is abit hesitant to ask about!
I would like to join the crusade in pursuit of Tophers tattoos.
I just loooove a good story!

I'll bring the popcorn if someone can get the smores supplies.

*sits down, pulls knees to chest and waits*
Indeed...I think only 1 man knows whats really under the kilt eh..!? Lets see what the list of tatt's are :shock:
you guys are nuts...I have beans on both my wrists..lots of others but no map...

Hum....so two of your tatoos are of coffee beans, and you say you have "lots of others."

Topher, please tell us more!


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