I cannot speak for Alex, and I am sure that he knows a lot about the business. Most consultants are out there to help you smooth out the bumps. They don't have any secrets, just eperience, and the good ones can help you to assess your situation for it's specifics.
There are a lot of consultants available in this field. Many tout the benefits they can provide, some even present financial arguments regarding the value.
The information from Alex seems to say that you will FAIL if you don't use his services. I try to stay away from that type of polarized thought.
Personally I am going without a consultant. Participating in this and many other boards provides a great deal of good information. Talk to everyone. You should do this with or without a consultant. Your own personal business experience also plays a big role. If you have lead a sheltered corporate experience with no individual business experience of any type, I can see an increased need for a consultant.
Search this and the
www.specialty-coffee.org forum and you can find lots of good input on consultants and from consultants. Many shop owners provide these services as well.
Design services are available from many experienced sources, separate from the consultants.
BTW, Espresso 101 was developed by Bellissimo, another consulting firm with long roots. I purchased their book and package of videos. Espresso 101 and 501 get great reviews. The book, Bean Business Basics is decent, though too much self promoting. Again, no magic bullets, but I don't think you are going to find the magic bullet.
What we are all seeking in this startup venture is a sense of comfort that all will work out. There is risk, no matter what. The consultant will not guarantee success, neither will the book or video, or location for that matter. By mitigating the risks, we can help to develop that sense of comfort. And sometimes you just need a woobie (security blanket).
As you develop your plan, risks are part of that. Inputs are your experience, market, etc.. The consultant may well be a mitigating factor for you. It's part of your research. They are not there to do it for you, but to help steer your path.
enough rambling. Research research research, talk talk talk, ask ask ask