Expensive Beans!


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Mar 25, 2003
New Jersey
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I was over browsing at coffee.uk.com and I noticed that there is one type of bean that was about 4 times more expensive than all the rest. It is called Jamaica Blue Mountain, and there is an espresso roast as well as a lighter roast. Both are being sold for 45 GBP (about $65) per kilo (1 kilo is almost 2 lbs).

What is the most you've paid for coffee? Was it worth it? What brand was it, where did you get it?

Just thought I'd get a thread going!

By the way I am not planning on buying the Jamaica Blue Mountain beans :oops:
$65 per kilo? Thats not bad for Jamaican....I sell it for $50 a pound...that is average..And to think when I first started in coffee it was $19 and I thought that was high!!
Pricey Beans

The most expensive beans I've encountered tend to be either Jamaican Blue Mountain and Kona Hawaiian. Personally, I prefer many less expensive beans to the Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee I've tasted, but I really do like the Kona stuff, although, perhaps not at 4 times the cost of many other great coffees!

You might want to sample some of these more expensive type coffees at your local coffee house before you decide if you're willing to part with so much cash for a load of beans!
Most Expensive Beans?

From Coffeereview.com:

"The Infamous Kopi Luak. Luak coffee is one of those snicker-rich stories beloved of newspaper writers and party raconteurs. This gourmet curiosity consists (ostensibly) of coffee beans that have been excreted by a smallish animal called a luak or palm civet after the luak has consumed (and digested) the coffee fruit that previously enveloped those beans. Apparently villagers in parts of Sumatra both gather the beans from wild luak excrement as well as feed coffee fruit to luaks kept in cages.

Owing to a production method that is clearly limited in volume, Kopi Luak is a rare coffee that demands by far the highest price of any coffee on the world market -- currently around $300 per pound retail roasted."!!!!!

I doubt I'll be tasting this one in this lifetime!
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topher said:
:twisted: Tastes like crap! :twisted:
I don't even know any coffee places around me that serve the Jamaican or the Kona.

**note to self: start a Luak farm...
I serve Jamaican and kona in my shop....its in a press pot though..made to order. and actually we serve Kona in two of the restraunts on our property as the house coffee :roll: :twisted:
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topher said:
and actually we serve Kona in two of the restraunts on our property as the house coffee
Wow, in Biloxi? Who'd have thunk it. I was in Biloxi recently. I was only passing through, though, really I was in MS for Bay St. Louis. I saw the big casino but I didn't go in. That US-1 from Bay St. Louis to Biloxi though is beautiful! :D

I didn't go to any coffee shops in MS, I had my own ground coffee in the motor home. It was Dunkin Donuts French Vanilla. mmm! Can't get that in the UK.
I will actually be selling Kona in about a week or so. Please let me know of prices you currently pay for it and I will see what I can do about at least matching or perhaps beating the price you normally get it for. I haven't worked out the details yet on pricing obviously but I'm not going to sell it for less than it's worth :D
I buy Kona Fancy...and Wallenford estate Jamaican Blue Mountain....The last time I bought Kona Fancy I paid $6.25 for captain cook...I bought 15 bags...I wont ever see a price like that again. On the Jamaican I have paid anywhere from $11.25-$14.80 a pound. Oh well If you can beat the Fancy's price drop me a line...you are selling green right?
so do you roast your own or are you buying it roasted? I can get you a sweet deal on kona fancy right now....I am about to buy some green....around the same price I paid last time...somewhere around $6.25 a pound...drop me a line if you are interested

All of this talk about pricing has awakened me. As for Jamaicans, are you only buying the Wallenfords? There are a couple of other great estates there which have equally outstanding blue mountain, and sometimes even better. And on the Konas, what farms do you aquire your greens from? I'm always interested in better deals, especially if you can deliver. What sized barrels on the Jamaicas, and what weights on the Konas? :lol:
Coffee from PR

We have had customers favorably compare our coffee to both Kona & Blue Mountain! We custom roast and we also sell green beans. And our pricing is NOT outrageous! :)