Experienced Roaster - Thailand


New member
Jun 14, 2009
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I am looking for an experienced roaster in Thailand.
I am looking for a Thai National. He / She must speak some English and have some roasting experience.
Must be willing to locate to Pattaya , Thailand.

If interested please send an email to : smascari@hotmail.com

Best regards,

Good luck Steve! Just kidding! I have been for one in indonesia or about 4 years now. Saly no one really fills the gap or has the skill sets I need for the style of roasting we do. You may be luckier in Thailand. Is this a new start up or do you have a business already running? Post a little more info and I will put some feelers out to some people I know in the industry up there.

Thank you for your note.
This is a start-up situation although I have been thinking about it and researching it for quite some time.
Sometimes in life you just have to say WTF and just jump in.
Any thoughts are most appreciated. You are doing something right to be there for 4 years. We don't feel that we have to make every mistake in order to make the ride exciting and successful.

Hi Steve- dont mind if u want to bounce some ideas off me. Actually we have been going 10 years- I have been looking for an apprentice roaster for the last 4!! Seems likethey think I may be the Gordon Ramsey of coffee...which perhaps aint too far from the truth. Initially I did it all myself and it kindof did start back in NZ as a WTF decision :-)
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