Figured out how to pour!

psycho supreme

New member
Jan 6, 2007
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I finally figured out how to pour!

The problem I had is I wasn't shaking the pitcher to let the frothed milk out, I was just waiting until I ran out of steamed milk and a blob or frothed milk would come out.

Heres what it looks like:

While its a horrible rosetta (looks like a christmas tree or something), at least I know HOW to pour it, I just need to work on form.

Yay for latte art.

- Matt
I like it. Reminds me of the Rorschach inkblots I used to look at with my therapist back in my early formative years.
I am rubbish at latte art. Finally though I seem to be getting the hang of it. At the moment I lack consistency and I also need to concentrate on making the fern leaf wider if I can, without loosing definition.

All these were made using a single espresso in a normal teacup sized cup. The ones in the thicker china coloured cups are even smaller, about 60% the size of a standard teacup. They are poor efforts, but if I can learn to do it, anyone can.




Well I envy you all, I don't have the patience to do the art. That and my wife told me to stick to espresso and coffee, she said I needed to loose some weight! Then again practice makes perfect.
demetri said:
Nicely done Davec

Thanks, it's taken me a few months, pouring an average of 1-2 cappas per day. Simply because I don't do a lot of Cappas. It's getting there, and I will go on to practice the "easier, I hope?" apples and hearts.

For me there were 2 main things in learning to pour rosettas that were not obvious from the Videos or descriptions on the web (probably because many of the videos have frames chopped out during compression)

1. The milk absolutely has to be stretched right, this is in essence surfing the surface with the wand (the stretching phase) until the jug just starts to feel warm, then plunging to continue the heating (not too hot) and swirling the milk in the jug a lot whilst pulling the shot to stop it separating (because lots of crema helps, if you have a non HX machine then unfortunately you have to pull the shot first and a lot of the cream is gone by the time the milk is ready)

2. The pour must be not too fast and started high up to "punch" thru the crema and as the "white button" rises lower jug, speed up pour slightly and wobble the jug from side to side (this is quite a quick and sharp motion if that makes sense)

As for position in the cup, tilt the cup slightly when you start, pour to the centre, when the button rises move towards the back and start the rosetta, on completing the rosetta lift jug and strike through to create the steam with a thin stream of milk.

Hope these tips help in conjunction with some of the very good guides out there.
nice latte art. keep them coming.

Wow! Daebak! It looks great! I hope I can also learn how to do that, can u please teach me the technique? Thanks!
I have always struggled with latte art. I got told when I first started training that I had a 'knack' for coffee and in that sense I do feel like I understand about espresso and create well textured milk. But in regards to latte art I really lack consistency at the moment. When I first started making coffee I worked with an amazing La Marzocco coffee machine. At this point though I was just starting out. Now, when I am really keen to develop my skills I am working with a really old, poorly maintained machine that doesn't deliver on consistency. The crema is just not rich enough and I have to wait for the steam wand to heat up, then make the espresso afterwards. I therefore feel like I am fighting a losing battle!! :(
As you can probably tell I have used coco powder on top of the espresso to try and make it more defined because the espresso isn't good enough. I mean it can look cool like this but it is obviously better if the espresso can stand alone too! (I only do this for cappuccinos, obviously ;)).


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