First Espresso Machine, Looking for Advice

The espresso machine is a slightly modified KitchenAid Pro Line double boiler. Grinders are a Baratza Vario and a heavily modified KitchenAid Pro Line w/Mazzer Mini burrs.

In a handful of years I've owned/used my share of grinders and machines, from mild to wild. I'm not one to claim you have to spend a small fortune to have good espresso consistently, but it won't happen on a dirt cheap budget either.
make sure you budget for a decent burr grinder. makes all the difference.
I am undecided between:1)Bratza Vario new 2013 and Simonelli Grinda and also 2)Simonelli Musica and Rocket Giotto/Cellini Premium? Any idea? or better recommendation. What units do you own?
Definitely the Vario. I've owned/used the Grinta and it is OK with a few minor tweaks due to a terrible burr carrier design, but isn't even close in performance/adjustability when compared to the Vario, which I also own/use daily. Any of the espresso machines listed will perform great. Depends on your budget, space and features you like.
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