flavored coffee


New member
Jan 19, 2005
Syracuse, NY
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Up until this point I have done mostly single origin and organics. But one of my potential customers is really interested in the flavors french vanilla and hazelnut. Flavored coffee is not ont of my specialties.

Any recommendations on how to approach this? Syrup vendors? Methods in brewing or roasting? What beans should I use.

Thanks for your pondering...

First step - check with your current customer to see if they would be interested in flavors. That will give you some idea of the potential.

Not sure if your one prospect is a consumer or a wholesale business, we we once had a woman in Nebraska who was the only customer for an organic cinnamon flavored coffee with a powdered flavor. It cost us about $30 a pound because of all the fixed costs, batch set-up costs and scrap.

Make sure can cover your costs by amortizing across enough volume.

You were probably asking about the technical components of flavoring, not the business. It all depends on volume.
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Thanks for that. I was intersted in both. This customer is a Cafe. I am going to be roasting for him. They have been told that they need to get these flavored coffees.

I guess that does answer some of my business questions.

How about how to brew it? Any one have a recommended vendor?
There are several flavor companies you can check out - they'll send samples and it's good to try these before you settle. Also, look for flexibility...I use GSB FLavor in Kennesaw, Georgia, and they will match an sample you send to them. Flavor Dynamics is good, Gold Coast has some great flavors as well. Contact each and tell them to send samples of each flavor you need.

Some of these work with liquid additives, others can do powder or liquid. Usually the application is between 1 and 3 percent. Although it is liquid, it is sold in lbs.

You'll need mixing equipment as well. And whatever you do, DON"T get the stuff on your clothes or skin -- you'll smell like pancake syrup for a month!
hi i´am a newcomer into roasting world. i have roasted for just 1 month. the thing is my boss whants me to make flavoured coffee ( it`s because of customars demand).

so the question is would you recomend some best coffee flavouring syrups or liquids i could flavour my roasted beans?
please do not put monin flavours on you roasted coffee...can you imagine what your grinder would look like? :shock: Contact flavoring companies such as Danisco, Flavor Dynamics, or FFS(flavor annd fragrance specialties) Monin is good for cup...bad for bean :wink:
aeh... again the same question. can anyone give me some homepages of companies that make liquid flavours for coffee beans IN EUROPE? ones in america it takes little trouble with shipping.

thanks in advancs.