Food prep slicers?


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Jul 13, 2005
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Does anyone offer panini out there that slices their own meats? I'm using whole turkey and whole loaf cheeses and would like to get a medium volume slicer for my food prep. As it is now I'm hand sliccing everything but volume is getting to the point where it's now too time consuming. I was curious if anybody out there uses a particular slicer and either loves it or has one they think I should avoid?

Prior to this I have never had any experience in a restaurant or worked with food so I've never been around a slicer.

I would hate to buy the wrong slicer that injures my employees or one that breaks down and then have to buy a second one.

Any and all help is much appreciated. Really is.
hobart!!!!!! it will still be running when your kids take over the shop lol...(btw i am a chef of 13 years so ive used about every type out there this will cost you but its worth it)
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Thanks for the reply and your feedback. I have heard really good things about Hobart. The next question is with your history is there a contact that you can refer? And if I cant quite find a Hobart in my price range, whom would you say is 'second' best?

Thank you sir.
best thing i can tell ya is to google resturaunt supply stores in your area!!! a little secret find one that has used equipment and just go there most of them will let you rummage thru there werhouse cuz they usely dont have a clue to whats in there you might get lucky and find a pannini grill as well....right now im working with my cousine and brother to get a coffee house off the ground on a very low budget so we were forced to go with some off brand grills, we are also in rural iowa so i wanted to make sure that the pannini's were going to sell and ill tell you what there going like crazy so im starting to look into better grills as we speak so ill check out the ones you mentioned in your post and let you know...if you have any questions or need any advice please dont be afraid to ask!!!!!!! i love helping out were i can and food is one of my pasions