Found local roaster


Jan 10, 2017
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Last Friday I found out there is guy in town that roasts and of all places sells his beans thru a bicycle shop down town. So Saturday I went to get some. I was a little disappointed that there were only a few bags and the freshest was already a couple weeks off roast but it was an 8 oz bag for $7 so I bought some. While Colombian is not my favorite bean it was very good. On the bag was a web address so I checked it out and it was not a finished site so I decided to contact him to find out if he would let me know after he does a roast so I could get it fresher and what type beans he normally roasts and how he roasted them. He did reply and told me he uses a older Roaster's Exchange 5 kilo so I looked it up and was surprised to see this to say the least. He did say he has no schedule that it is more a hobby than a business and he would let me know when he roasts his next batch.

He did mention on his site that he is in the process of updating his site so I offered him my services. I work for a company that sells Wordpress sites to our customers and while I'm not a designer or developer I do provide customer support for these sites so I know how to edit them. He said he is interested and would trade coffee for my time if I helped him get his site updated.

Wow a local roaster, I'm very excited and hope I cam develop a good relationship with him, I would love to be able to watch him roast a batch and learn more about that aspect.
Good story!
I love to hear this type of stories that our coffee people helping and supporting each other!
I have been in Coffee business for few years, and I must say that I have met so many great people who influenced me in so many different ways.
Duffyjr, you have likely stumbled into something good! A personal relationship with a competent local roaster is invaluable. It sounds like your situation is going to be mutually beneficial for you and the roaster.
Wanted to update this as its been what seems (for me anyway) along time coming. Back when I posted this I was able to figure out how to get him into the dashboard of his site so he could do some updating. Well today he dropped of some Honduras Comayagua Nueva Alianza that he just roasted this morning for payment. The smell when I opened the bag was incredible, like dark chocolate but as the water hit the grounds it turned sweeter like a dark chocolate cookie just out of the oven. It tastes much sweeter than it smells almost like brown sugar but not that sweet. As it's cooling off I'm really tasting the fruit but not sure what but still has the cocoa after taste. I'm really looking forward to the next few days to see how it changes.

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