Fresh Roasted & Caffeine


New member
Apr 27, 2004
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Mornin' to All,,

Here is the question of the day: Is the caffeine in Fresh Roasted Coffee Beans higher than coffee beans that are older than three weeks??

It sure seems that way to me.

Thanks for your thoughts,

T in CArolina
TTTTom said:
Mornin' to All,,

Here is the question of the day: Is the caffeine in Fresh Roasted Coffee Beans higher than coffee beans that are older than three weeks??

It sure seems that way to me.

Thanks for your thoughts,

T in CArolina

Hi there, the caffeine is very stable at all times, so there is no change by time. The best coffees are grown in high altitudes, so they use to have less than -40% of the caffeine that have other coffees grown in low altitudes.

The choice is to find a high altitude coffee to drink the best espresso.

Regards from Mexico,


So - the longer the roast ...

** more caffeine - or -
** less caffeine ??

Also - you have a nice site. But may I respectfully say... the background image of the horizontal lines is a little hard on the eyes - even though it is only visible for a few seconds.


T in Carolina

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