Frothing techniques


New member
Apr 16, 2004
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Hey everyone. I just got my VERY FIRST ESPRESSO MACHINE!!!!!!!! I'm so pumped. It's a MrCoffee dual espresso maker & coffee maker. I LOVE IT. I'm having so much fun w/ it, experimenting w/ all my favorite coffee beans...I haven't slept in days :-D (j/k)

Anyways, I have a question about my frothing wand attachment. I haven't tried frothing with it yet, I've still been using my hand held frother that I've had for a long time. Now I think I'm ready to give the frothing wand a try. Any techniques I should know about? Also, will the pitcher from my hand held frother work for the frothing wand? I'm not sure how much milk it holds...

Hello Javafreak! Congrats on the new machine- sounds like you are having fun. Not sure how long the steamer wand is with your new machine, but as its a home machine it may not be as long as a commercial one. Anyway, you should be able to use a 1/2 litre stainless steel pouring jug to froth your milk. I use a slightly cone shaped jug, with a pouring lip... but you can use a open mouth jug also.

Technique- well I guess you already know the basis. Hold the jug level, put the steamer nozzle just below the surface of the milk near the side of the jug and turn the steam on. The nozzle position will make the steam circulate the milk, frothing without scolding the milk. I am not sure times with a home machine- but it could take around 20-23 seconds. Use a thermometer if you have one to measure the temperature... it shojuld end up being around 72 degrees cent.

Good luck, have fun :grin:
EeeeHa C.J.:

Having fun with a home unit :grin: Good for you. Home models historically don't do a very good job when steaming milk because of the lack of capturing enough pressure to build up steam fast enough. How many holes are in the head of the wand? The more the better. But keep working with it I'm sure you'll get it down :shock:
I recommend you visit for starters.

Steam pressure and tip are the most important features as far as hardware goes (and previously stated). However, you need cold milk, and a thermometer as well. Do not steam past 160 F. You will burn the milk. Milk is difficult to froth when it is warmed past 100 F, so the general idea is to froth while the milk is below 100, then sink the tip to heat the milk to desired serving temp.

Good luck!
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